
21 September 2022
Matchmaking event and large scale test on 3D panel

3D printed fire resistant panel succeed at ISO 834 fire curve.

20 September 2022
In situ large scale ISO 834 fire test on precast panel

First test successfully completed. Precast fire resistant panel succeed at ISO 834 fire curve.

09 September 2022
Panel setup on tunnel wall

All set for the large scale, in situ, fire test.

04 July 2022
Project Technical Committee

"Dress rehearsal" before the review meeting but mainly a totall review of the project almost in the finishing line.
All players ready and the opening act is set for September the 21st.

07 April 2022
Project Technical Committee

On target, on time, on schedule.

08 Mar 2022
Large scale precast ISO 834 fire test

📢New achievement in IDEAL project!

We are already advancing in the material validation, obtaining promising results. In this case, The fire lab of TECNALIA has perform the , #ISO834 real scale tests, EN 13381-3:2015 🔥 #FireTest (Test methods for determining the contribution to the 🔥 #FireResistance of structural members –Part 3: applied protection to concrete members) on precast boards with successful results.

08 Mar 2022
Efectis-R0695:2020 fire test

Tecnalia completed the first Efectis-R0695:2020 (Fire testing procedure for concrete tunnel linings and other tunnel components) test with ISO 834 fire curve on precast boards produced in KUL's modular unit.
Preliminary results are positive on fire performance of large dimension boards produced with copper slag in tunnel uses.

10 Feb 2022
Project Steering Comittee

Steering committee meeting. Among other exciting news, the preliminary results of large scale ISO 834 fire tests are also conforming with fire curve criteria and confirm results of small scale tests!

16 Nov 2021
Project Technical Committee

More than 2h fruitful discussion, news update and change of experience for the common goal. Acceleration and commitment to achieve results.

16 Sept 2021
Project Steering Committee DAY 2

DAY 2 of Hybrid meeting (online and Crete). WP5, WP6  and WP7.

15 Sept 2021
Project Steering Committee DAY 1

DAY 1 of Hybrid meeting (online and Crete). WP0, WP1, WP2 and WP4.

13 Jul 2021
Project Technical Committee

Follow up of the upscaling process of IDEAL products.

29 Jun 2021
1st Project Workshop
More than 2 hours discussions on project scientific backbone, news and achievements, next steps and opportunities from partners but also special guest.
19 May 2021
Project Technical Committee
The committee discussed all latest updates from each WP and next steps needed.
27 Apr 2021
Project Technical Committee
Next steps of upscaling precast and 3D printing routes co-decided.
01 Feb 2021
Project Steering Committee

Meeting about project progress evaluation and next steps.

25 Nov 2020
Project Technical Committee
Current status of all WP and next steps..
01 Sep 2020
Project Steering Committee
Meeting about project progress evaluation and next steps modifications.
24 Aug 2020
WP3: Development of large-scale specimen

Development of large-scale prototype – Dimensions 1m x 1m in Enalos Research and Development PC premises 

Density : 970 kg/m3

Fl.Strength : 2.85 MPa

Comp. Strength : 8.75 MPa

Fire resistance : ISO – 834 / RWS

22-24 Jan 2020
Kick off meeting

IDEAL kick-off Meeting took place in the Tecnalia Innovation company at Azpeitia on 22-23 January  2020.  The Meeting included presentations of the partners activities related to the Project, specification of the Project’s objectives, organization of Project’s activities to meet the requirements and milestones, and finished with a lab tour at Tecnalia facilities.

1 Jan 2020
Launch of IDEAL Project